JEM Energy’s Limited Spring Time Offer

Refer a friend to JEM Energy for their renewable energy installation, and both earn £100 if they go ahead…

Why It’s Time to Switch to Renewables


Currently, there are over 27 million homes in Britain, with more and more new builds popping up all over the UK. Every day, each one of these homes is using energy; 85% of which is still coming from fossil fuel energy sources.

The government have pledged to ban all new build homes in the UK from using fossil fuel methods of water and space heating, and with rising energy costs pushing many UK homes into a state of fuel poverty we have no choice but to address the way we heat our homes and generate our hot water.

So far, the amount of fossil fuels we are burning in the UK has significantly contributed to a severe rise in carbon dioxide levels, which is of course… far from good news for our planet!

Fortunately, and thanks to state of the art engineering and development efforts, there are forms of super-efficient technology and heating methods that are already being used around the UK, with proven effectiveness - these include Air Source Heat Pumps, Thermodynamic Hot Water Systems, Solar PV and Battery Storage

Accredited HIES Members

JEM Energy are award winning and HIES Accredited Renewable Energy Installers, specialising in Solar PV and Renewable Heating technologies.

The HIES scheme, endorsed by George Clarke and Nick Ross, is a quality assurance service; only endorsing installers who have proven through vigorous quality assurance tests, to provide an installation and product service, that meets the notoriously high standards of the HIES scheme. JEM Energy install renewable energy systems the length and width of the UK, whose product quality and customer service is reflected in their HIES Accreditation.

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Refer Someone to JEM Energy and be Paid £100 each (just as a thank you)

“We feel so passionately about supporting home owners in making the vital transition to renewables and in helping the UK government in achieving its incentives, we are now offering £100 to anyone who refers a friend to us, who then goes on to have an installation of one of our systems” James Rodwell - Company Director

It’s easy, refer someone to us for their renewable energy system and installation, and if they ahead - we pay you both £100 for your contribution to the UK’s ‘big switch’ to renewable energy!

What to do Next

If you know someone who is looking to install a solar energy system for either their electricity, battery storage or renewable heating needs, then ask them to contact JEM Energy either through our Facebook Page or via our Website, quoting ‘JEMSPRING’ - and you will both earn £100 should they go through with the installation.